November Position

Photo documenting the interior of the exhibition space, which shows three large cubes of burnt oak arranged on the gallery floor in a line under three cubic skylights.

November Position

Part of the group show ‘Unfold’, The Pie Factory, Margate, Kent.
Curated by Dr. Terry Perk, 5 - 15 November 2011

Photo documenting the interior of the exhibition space, which shows three large cubes of burnt oak arranged on the gallery floor in a line
'November Position' – View 1 of light installation.
Photo documenting the interior of the exhibition space, which shows three large cubes of burnt oak arranged on the gallery floor in a line from a straight-on perspective
'November Position' – View 2 of light installation.

Made during an MA course in Fine Art at UCA, as a sight-specific response to the space and to the time of year. The piece consisted of 3 burnt oak cubes, placed directly under the cube-shaped skylights which were part of the architectural structure of the Pie Factory space.

The artwork is discussed, analysed and disected in great detail in a form of an interview/film ‘Interview with an Open Mind’.

The interview/film was created in the vein of the BBC Radio 3 programme ‘Private Passions’, where interviewees choose pieces of music whilst discussing their lives.

‘Interview with an Open Mind’: the interviewer is Ewan Golder, and the interviewee is Kate Beaugié.

Kate achieved a distinction for Interview with an Open Mind which was made instead of writing an essay as part of the MA course.