Surface Catalogue

Surface catalogue by JGM Gallery, curated by Nico Kos Earle

SURFACE Exhibition Catalogue curated and written by Nico Kos Earle

Front of catalogue, grey with pale blue writing and a strip of colours to the left
SURFACE Catalogue front
Surface catalogue article on Katherine Beaugié
‘SURFACE’ catalogue article on Katharine Beaugié by Nico Kos Earle.
Page of SURFACE Catalogue - featuring artwork "Shadow of a Gold Cube" by Kate Beaugié
Page of SURFACE Catalogue - featuring artwork "Shadow of a Gold Cube" by Kate Beaugié
Page of SURFACE Catalogue - featuring artwork "Shadow of a Gold Cube | Inverted" by Kate Beaugié
Page of SURFACE Catalogue - featuring artwork "Shadow of a Gold Cube | Inverted" by Kate Beaugié

Read the digital edition of the Surface Catalogue here.