Category: Curation

Applied Pure: photogram of hand in developer

Beethoven on the Beach Revisited

A Light & Sound Installation curated by Kate Beaugié at The Grand in Folkestone, May 2022 The Sacconi Quartet 2021/22 artist in residence Kate Beaugié curated the event ‘Beethoven on the Beach’ which featured the Sacconi Quartet playing Beethoven’s String Quartet in C# Minor Op.131 on Folkestone’s Sunny Sands beach, October 2021. Kate invited a […]

Photo showing musicians seated underneath the archways of Sunny Sands Beach, Folkestone
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Beethoven on the Beach

Sacconi Quartet | artist residency 2021/22 Overview As part of the Sacconi Residency Weekend, Kate was invited to collaborate for one of the events. Kate interpreted this as an opportunity to re-contextualise the listening experience of classical music; using the acoustic nature of the medium of the quartet to its advantage by relocating the Sacconi […]

Photo of photographer taking photos under the arches of Sunny Sands Beach, Folkestone
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Applied Pure Film

A six minute artistic documentary film, made by Ewan Golder, about the live water and music event "Applied Pure at the MI | Music & Light Symbiosis No. 3"

Film still shows concentric circle ripples on water suface
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River Song Event

Music & Light Symbiosis No. 2 | River Song Swans | Water | Music | Light Kearsney Abbey & River Garage Studio, 13.10.18. Curated by Kate Beaugié. A woman dressed as a swan leads us down the pristine River Dour past a cellist playing Bach by the river's edge, to the River Garage Studios, where an […]

Film still shows Louise Hughes performing as the swan as she walks along the Kearsney Abbey riverbank next to real-life swans
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