River Song Event

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Film still shows Louise Hughes performing as the swan as she walks along the Kearsney Abbey riverbank next to real-life swans

Music & Light Symbiosis No. 2 | River Song

Swans | Water | Music | Light

Kearsney Abbey & River Garage Studio, 13.10.18.

Curated by Kate Beaugié.

River Song Poster: Swans | Water | Music | Light, A twilight Event
‘River Song’ Poster.

A woman dressed as a swan leads us down the pristine River Dour past a cellist playing Bach by the river's edge, to the River Garage Studios, where an art exhibition of photograms awaits, along with a concert of classical music, brought into a new dimension by an interactive water and light installation.

The second of the Music & Light Symbiosis events.

Kate was an artist-in-residence in the project Art in the Park | Kearsney Interpreted curated by Dover Arts Development (DAD) and commissioned by Dover District Council.

River Song Documentary Film

Swan - Louise Hughes.

Harp - Rachel Hamilton.

Cello - Mike Bacon.

Film footage - Peter Blach of Klip Films.

Film editing - Matt Appleby.

River Song Programme, Curated by Katharine Beaugié
‘River Song’ Programme.
Portrait of the River Song performance and production ensemble
The ‘River Song’ ensemble.